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Human Experience Language

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Speech bubbles

The description of services and mental health, the language that is used within services and wider communities and language that includes everyday language to promote a more equal and inclusive discussion. 

Language that is non stigmatising and inclusive is important. The concepts that make a service trauma informed should be explicitly described in policies and vision.

Practice Points

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These practice points were developed primarily for the NHS. So if you are NHS staff, you can explore the practice points for Human Experience Language on the Open Narrative System site (ONS) here.


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If you would like to explore some of the examples that informed this framework you can find them in the Open Narrative System. Examples are listed below: 

Supporting Community Mental Health Teams’ to work in a more Trauma Informed Way

human experience language

Experiential staff training: understanding developmental trauma and knowing how to connect and support in a safe, sustainable way

human experience language, relational reparation

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